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We help companies to improve workforce productivity, engagement, and retention.

Why wellbeing?


The importance of workplace wellbeing, now, more than ever.

This led to lots of questions, lots of research and lots of cups of tea! Did businesses understand wellbeing and its impact? Which business areas were being affected? What makes up a ‘healthy and happy’ workforce? How does wellbeing impact a business’ ability to grow and ultimately the bottom line?
Once these questions had been addressed, the team started to think about how to influence wellbeing, and what could be done to help clients keep their organisation’s healthy and happy.
James Harrington, a British Philosopher, said “Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement”. Taking the same first step that psychologists take to interventions, the team set about researching and designing a platform that not only measures wellbeing, but also helps people to manage it. This is MyAnova.

In a world marked by significant shifts and unforeseen changes, the importance of prioritising workplace wellbeing and employee engagement has never been more apparent. There is a growing recognition that individual wellbeing, work-life balance, and personal satisfaction are essential elements of a thriving work environment. This is why MyAnova was created.

MyAnova’s story began in the office of a boutique change management company called Marbral Advisory.  As change management professionals, they were charged with delivering successful change but often this was hampered by individual, team, or organisational wellbeing issues. It was clear that change, be it transformational or otherwise, was failing because they were losing sight of the prime ingredient to its success - people.  Not only was the ability to change and growth stifled, but they were seeing increasing levels of mass disengagement, declining workforce mental and physical health, absenteeism and presenteeism, and declining resilience, productivity, and happiness.

How does improving wellbeing transform your business?

Employee attraction and retention

Handshake icon

Business capacity for change and growth

Flag on top of mountain icon

Competitive labour markets

Chess Pieces Icon

Understanding the needs of a flexible workforce

Person cradled in hand to represent care

Demonstrating how wellbeing impacts the bottom-line

Laptop icon showing upward graph

Reducing Absenteeism and Presenteeism

Waving hand icon

Understanding the Root Cause of Productivity Issues

An eye and microscope icon

Understanding Culture

Heart with heartbeat line icon

Improving Engagement

Fistpump icon

Finding Purpose

Rocket icon

Phase 1:

Discovery and Onboarding: our team at Anova come together with your team to plan project implementation. We take the time to get to know your business, so that Anova can be effective straight away and provide essential insights and value.

phase 1

Phase 2:

Launch Anova: We provide you with ongoing support and training to use Anova and to roll out to your teams. It’s super simple and intuitive though!

phase 2

Phase 3:

Data Analysis (and recommendations if desired): If you wish to discuss the results after your first survey, an Anova consultant will be available to you to review the data and think about the next steps.

phase 3

Phase 4:

Evaluation and Planning: We recommend reviewing response rates and planning for future pulse surveys and communications.

phase 4


Implementation and Delivery

Anova is a SaaS product that not only measures wellbeing, but also provides guidance to ensure the adoption of meaningful change. Anova provides recommendations to improve wellbeing in the product itself, and also includes initial consultancy advice as part of each package to ensure businesses get the correct support and guidance from Anova’s wellbeing experts. 

Anova textured image

Reach your full business potential with MyAnova.

Wellbeing makes good business sense


Smiling girl with glasses in front of Anova brand circle

Research has found that for every pound spent on successfully implementing an appropriate action to create a mentally healthy workplace, there is an average of £2.30 in benefits to be gained by the organisation, an ROI of 2.3.


Anova provide an indicative cost per person per month dependent on overall number of users.

PwC’s Return on Investment analysis

Package options



Indicative cost per person per month


(up to 100 users) 



Indicative cost per person per month


(up to 500 users) 



Indicative cost per person per month


(up to 1,000 users) 


Get in touch

Quote based on per user amount


(Unlimited users) 


Smiling Man Image


Embracing change

Wellbeing fluctuates, technology improves, feedback matters, unexpected things happen. We like to adapt, and we like to create, and we believe that embracing change is the first step to improvement.

Smiling lady with glasses


Being meaningful with data

Context is hugely important for understanding data. It is also important for understanding people. We like to take the time to understand our clients and the context they are operating in, delivering solutions that make sense to them (and make sense of the data!)

Smiling girl image


Being positive and passionate

Taking a lead from positive psychology, our approach to problem solving or data analysis or general life reflections is to remember the positives. There is a lot to be gained from capitalising on strengths and a positive mindset can result in greater wellbeing and optimistic thinking, which is the way we like to operate. Passion for what we do also plays a huge part in our success. We are passionate about data and passionate about wellbeing.

Laughing man image


Understanding every voice matters

Every individual has something different to say and these unique experiences should be shared. Listening to people gifts us with the knowledge and perspective on the things that matter to them. This equips us with a greater ability to make a meaningful difference.

Our Values

Outperform competitors with an enhanced Employee Value Proposition

Trophy Icon

Create a desirable culture for staff attraction and retention

Fistpump Icon

Increase productivity

Lightbulb icon

Achieve optimal financial performance

Stack of Euro Coins Icon

Save money on recruitment

Coin going into piggybank icon

Reduce health care costs and absenteeism

Opening medicine bag icon

Return objectives

In 2023, Deloitte's Well-Being at Work Survey* revealed persistently low employee wellbeing levels, with the majority reporting no improvement or a decline in their health over the past year.

The survey highlighted a disconnect between leaders' efforts to promote employee wellbeing and engagement, and the employees' perception of these initiatives. Furthermore, it revealed a broader shift in the concept of sustained wellbeing, which encompasses the long-term wellbeing of individuals, organisations, climate, and society, extending beyond current employees.

PwC* reported that employee concerns continue to revolve around factors such as purpose, company culture, and inclusion. In a survey of employees considering changing employers, only 47% find their jobs fulfilling, compared to 57% of those planning to stay. Furthermore, those inclined to change jobs are less likely, by eight percentage points, to feel that they can truly be themselves at work in comparison to their peers who intend to remain (51% vs. 59%).

Worldwide, workers are experiencing heightened financial strain due to a slowing economy and the persistent impact of inflation on their finances. 60% of full-time employees are currently experiencing financial stress, a level even higher than that observed during the peak of the pandemic. Notably, almost half (47%) of employees earning $100,000 or more annually also report financial stress.*


* Deloitte Wellbeing at Work Survey
* PwC Global Workforce Hopes and Fears
* PwC Employee Financial Wellness Survey

MHI and Business in the Community Research

What's the problem?

  • Organisations that prioritise employee wellbeing and engagement outperform the industry average by approximately 10% on the Financial Times Stock Exchange (The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand)

  • Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work (Salesforce Report)

  • 63% of employers who offer wellness programs report increased financial sustainability and growth. (IFEBP)

The business case for MyAnova has never been clearer!

Where’s the proof?

  1. You will create a more desirable culture for staff attraction and retention;

  2. You will outperform competitors on workplace wellbeing;

  3. You can increase productivity and achieve optimal financial performance;

  4. You can save money on recruitment and reduce health care costs and absenteeism.

What are the business benefits?

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